Sunday, August 16, 2009

I sold off my wife best ever gift

Two years ago, as a kind of a gift, my wife paid for the deposit of brand new car.

Earlier this month I sold it off due to certain personal reason. 

Yep, the car is a BMW. Though it was just a 3 series, it was the best car ever. I am still in love of its handling and though I have driven a few Mercedes from the smallest to the highest range, I don't know why I am still in love with BMWs. 

I don't know yet what car I am going to buy and if you follow me in Twitter, you would know I am currently advocating public transport in Kuala Lumpur and we only have one car among us to use. I may stick with this arrangement for a while as I want to do a few restructuring in my life and also to shop around for a very good car before I commit to new debt commitment.

I may have said it offline a few times to her but I treasure the gift while it was in my hands and I am sorry to sold it off but I will make up for it, soon. Bye love (meaning the car, not the wife)

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