Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Don't Wanna Be Starting Something

Yep, another post using a song by Michael Jackson, though a bit different. The title of his song was Wanna Be Starting Something and it has something to do with his love for this girl who has an addiction (I think, his lyrics are always obscure and they still have not figure out what Bad really means). Actually this post is also about addiction. And again, it is inspired by my wife. Of course, nearly half of this blog has something to do with her. It really give a new meaning to the word "my other half".

I told her years ago when we started to know each other (I think if I can recollect, it was on one of our first dates) that I don't smoke and I don't drink alcohol. I also don't do recreational drugs. All these I managed to resist although I lived with people who did either one or all of the above. It was amazing, even for me, as I had been housemates and even roommates to people who has this addiction. I mean, they were merciless in trying to get me to join the darkside. As in really try. They even spiked my drink once. 

After all these abuses, I still never took up any the habits. Maybe smoking managed to come into my life for awhile when I picked up smoking cigars. I managed to stop as my rich clients don't smoke it anymore and I myself don't have anyone to smoke it with. My wife did mentioned she loved kissing me after I smoked cigars and that made me stuck with it for sometimes. But I think the last cigar I smoked was 6 months ago after it languished in my car for nearly 6 months before that.

However, for the past 9 months, I have failed. I mentioned this at a recent event that I moderated called eLawyers-Exabytes Blogging and Law Forum 2009, which you can read the posting here. I have a new addiction which I just cannot stop. The wife mentioned this a few nights ago and she even brought up about my "Don't wanna be starting something" mantra. 

What is the addiction? Why you are witnessing it yourself. It is of course,


in which I am not gonna stop anytime soon.


  1. aku kagum dan jeles.
    kau ada masa,kerajinan dan kualiti.
    selagi addiction tak melibatkan 'kerugian'..aku ok je.

  2. I agree.. blogging is addicting!^^

  3. j - ada lah masa sikit-sikit tapi kekadang tu sampai bercekang mata gak

    Sashin - Thanks for stopping by
