Monday, January 11, 2010

7 Years on...

...and we still can't keep our hands off each other...

And yes, I am talking about my wife. I don't want to jinx anything, with this 8.8.10 will be our 7th year in marriage and everything, but I do believe that this is the secret of a long marriage. My wife seems to be in the same boat with me as we are actually really very much in love with each other physically.

Yeah, yeah, I know....TMI...etc but I just want to share that as much as we love the physical comfort, we are a great partner in business too. In making money and in our taste for books, food, travel and in quieter times, music and just talking.

I do sometimes get on her nerve as much as she gets on mine.

But, what is marriage without some spice...

p/s : If you are reading this dear, I appreciate last year's birthday gift and your new year's resolution too... :)

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