Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nur Kasih the Movie

It seems that I have been watching a few Malaysian movie these past few months. More than I usually do. Still getting use to it due to a new business I am involved with which deserves its own blogpost as it is actually a business dream which finally came true. I was ribbed about this business once but I am not into it big time. Let me make sure it is off the ground first before I tell the whole world about it.

So, Nur Kasih the Movie is another movie which I got to watch much, much earlier than the 19 Million fans (which the advertisement claimed had watched the television series). I can attest to its popularity as a household of two like mine, who never tuned in at all to the television series, know of its existence. So, it is no denying the fact, I was intrigued in watching a film about it.

Is it any good?

As a Malaysian movie, which is full of melodrama and love story, it does tug at the heart. Couple it with the sweeping vista of panoramic landscapes in Malaysia, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, it does make it into a movie.

Plotwise, there does stay true to the original storyline which made it famous in television. It also borrowed the storyline of another famous love story but I still would give credit to the scripwriter for making a great story greater. There is a complain about the usage of CGI but it didn't make it any less entertaining.

Tomorrow, 19th of May 2011, it is the first day the movie will be shown nationwide in Malaysia. I can predict it will be a successful movie. It has a twisted plot and it will bring tears to your eyes. There was a parody video from Youtube shown at the start of the movie during the premiere which actually rings true. Why not if you want to spend your money on a few other summer movies from foreign shore, treat yourself to a Made in Malaysia movie which is actually well worth the price of your tickets.

One more thing, if those who never watched the show and said it is all about polygamy, there is no trace of it in the movie.  

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